Fun Fact: I grew up in Ohio and Kentucky – a landlocked area. Okay, fine, there was the Ohio River but nobody’s eaten anything out of there for at least 100 years. Hell, I don’t think anything has actually lived in there for 75.
The point being, I’ve always been a meat and potatoes kind of girl, especially as I grew up in a time when there was no such thing as “flash freezing” and fish in Cincinnati grocery stores were just… nasty. But. 2014 is a year for trying new thingsĀ and broadening my horizons (in between flying off to amazing places) so I faced my biggest kitchen fear and decided to cook some damn fish.
I invited my intrepid friend and fellow traveler Ann Abel over to be my guinea pig. I served up oven baked sea bass (with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic and parsley) over a bed of quinoa (with sauteed garlic and shallots) with sauteed kale. AND IT WAS DELICIOUS! I’m so proud of myself I feel like I just did something huge.. like won an arm wrestling contest or wrassled an alligator. Or something like that. Next week: who knows? I might go crazy and pan sear a salmon fillet.
I feel like Eric Ripert. Not really. But kind of.
PS: What the hell did people do without the interwebs (and the How To Cook Everything sites)?