Lost In Translation: The Best of The Worst Signs In The World

Everywhere you go in the world there are signs – some of which make way more sense than others, which just seem to get lost in translation. Here are the best of the worst signs around the world. 

Warning: you may lose your head on the train to Morretes, Brazil.
Warning: you may lose your head on the train to Morretes, Brazil.

You have no idea how many times I’ve walked through a random street in some random section of the world and tried to figure out just what the local government is trying to tell me.

Don’t take a picture of rats? [Fine].

Don’t stick your head in the fire? [Yep. Figured that out].

Wild Monkeys may eat my hat? [I didn’t really like it much anyway].

Don’t feed the volcano? [Considering volcanoes historically only eat virgins, I don’t qualify].

You learn so much about a place from its signs. Mali has an AIDS problem; Colombia is more concerned with drugs;  Egypt apparently has a huge sex trafficking issue… and everyone is concerned with where and how you poop.

So, for your viewing pleasure, after the jump I offer some of the best signs I’ve found all over the world…


Do not poop or pee in the Niger River.
Do not poop or pee in the Niger River.

IMG_8004 IMG_7513 IMG_7886


Please don't peek on someone peeing... from Boyd Thai in the West Village
Please don’t peek on someone peeing… from Boyd Thai in the West Village


Learn how to properly use a toilet in Hanoi
What not to do in a toilet in Hanoi.


Just what the hell do Russians think we do in toilets anyway?


Gold teeth are apparently popular in Chichi, Guatemala
Gold teeth are apparently popular in Chichi, Guatemala
Swing from this pole here.
Swing from this pole here.
This road in Guatemala causes you to die.
This road in Guatemala causes you to die.


An Atacaman greeting
An Atacaman Wal Mart-esque greeter
Subtlety just confuses people.
Subtlety just confuses people.


Ancient Cow Xing sign in Egypt
Ancient Cow Xing sign in Egypt
I'm so glad I'm not the only dyslexic speller on signs
I’m so glad I’m not the only dyslexic speller on signs
This guy looks like Ramona Singer's husband Mario on Real Housewives of New York...
This guy looks like Ramona Singer’s husband Mario on Real Housewives of New York…


Put your burkha on here
I have no clue what this says


Bullet Ridden welcome sign
Bullet Ridden welcome sign

If you have any awesome signs to share, please do!!!!