I’ve taken to wearing a wedding ring when I travel. It is a fake gold band on the ring finger of my left hand that most people assume marks me as married. I do this for several reasons. Most of all because, as the editor in chief of Yahoo Travel I travel a lot, often to countries where if you, as a woman, are not married you are either a virgin or a whore – and I am way too old to be a virgin. Countries where even the slightest gesture –a glance in someone’s direction or a smile when you say, “Thank you” can also mean: “OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO HOT PLEASE JUMP MY BONES NOW!” The ring comes in handy then.
Chilling in Nicaragua and having the time of my life
But I also wear it because I am sick of the question.
Any single woman will know what I’m talking about – the question that makes you want to vomit or hit something really, really hard: “Oh my god, How are you not married/dating? You’re so nice/great/amazing/hot…” And, when you hit a certain age, it’s almost always imbued with a second, unspoken question:
“What’s wrong with you?”
For the answer to that question and so much more (including some awesome dating stories), click HERE. Because frankly, I’ve had enough!